Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on the House Passing the American Health Care Act

Date: May 4, 2017
Location: Albany, NY

"Ultraconservatives in Washington have pushed through the House an unconscionable piece of legislation that threatens to tear apart our health care system. Far from improving our health care, the Republican plan will strip millions of Americans of their coverage, raise costs for the sick, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions, and penalize progressive states that protect the rights of women.

"Sadly, some representatives in New York have sold their vote and turned their backs on the very constituents they represent. This bill is a targeted assault against our values, punishing New Yorkers because we support women's reproductive rights and including the Collins/Faso amendment which would devastate the state's health care industry, put millions of New Yorkers at risk, and increase the total cost of this bill on New York to $6.9 billion.

"Despite the vocal opposition of the American people, radical conservative ideologues are still advancing a disastrous bill. I urge all Americans to call their Senators and tell them to stand with the people they represent by voting no on this reprehensible legislation."
